Thursday, November 7, 2013

Dyeing fabric naturally

After an unsuccessful search for (affordable) lightweight silk at local fabric stores, we decided to just use a cotton sheet for play 'silks'.  Dharma has a great selection & we may eventually purchase part of a bolt from there, but for now these will do fine!  The sheet was 100% Egyptian cotton, queen size I think.  We cut it into 36" squares - Tweeters helped to measure, mark & cut.  She even got to push the sewing machine pedal while I rolled the seams (like I said, she loves to sew just like her sis!).
Ok, this should go at the end of the post, but it's too good to leave til the end!
Then came the really fun part!  Picking the grapes & dyeing the fabric!!
I thought the birds would have eaten them all - but I guess the sunflower seeds have been distracting them ;0)

They are sooo sweet!  We ate about as many as we saved for dyeing.

Smashing them...then we covered them w/ water, brought it to a boil, and simmered it for 1 hour.  While that was simmering we also simmered the cloth in 8 cups of water & 1/2 cup of salt (to fix the dye later).

Then it was time to rinse the salt from the cloth & put it into the strained dye.  Tweeters & Jam sampled some of the grape juice before we put the cloth in - they wanted to save it for Passover!!

We worked it all through the fabric & let it soak for about an hour - although some let it soak over night.

I'll try to update with a picture of the dried cloth soon!
Update - not finished cloth yet, but we did marigolds before they all froze!

A nice yellow, but Flash thinks it looks like a big pee stain ;0)

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