Saturday, October 26, 2013

Free Swap & truffles!

Our homeschool group's free swap is wildly popular and we always are happy to clear out unneeded items & come home w/ a few new things - for FREE!  We had it outside at a park this year, and the weather was absolutely perfect.  The chilldren got to play on the playground (Tweeters learned to do the monkey bars!) & the grown ups dug for treasures :0)
Climbing trees before we set everything up

A large, happy crowd - toys, furniture, housewares, books, curriculum, and tons of clothing

Yep, I think the tongue helps!

Flash has been making truffles with a chef for about a year & half now - and now he is treating us to these homemade yummies!
Measuring out the chocolate

making cinnamon gannoche (sp?)

Gma J testing them - they didn't last long!

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