Thursday, December 12, 2013

More Gage pics!

Yeah, they're nuts! I think it was about 25 degrees F that day...T, Flash, Papa G & R did a polar bear plunge!!
RG cuddling up w/ MM's baby P

Roasting marshmallows!

Jam & Tweeters may have OD'd on marshmallows & chocolate ;0)

YUM says Papa G

LG takes a spin on the tire swing :0)

"Ruggin' up for win-ter...." (from Down by the Sea - Men at Work - wow I'm old!)
Guess What Flash & TG are doing for (or to??!) Jam?  Reading a story backwards ;0) 

RG was a hungry guy when he got here from his long plane ride :0)

RG & Tweeters 'playing' Blokus

JG missed his violin - so I got treated to some of his talent on mine!

Jam & JG doing some construction work

I think LG still likes dressing up :0)  Of course,Tweeters is pretty convincing!

A happy HB with her kiwi family right here in our own kitchen!!!

....and he does dishes.....

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June 2020

Aaaaand we're back! I'm learning to use a Mac so everything is are scrambled everywhere but here are a couple...