Sunday, November 17, 2013

Rainbow blocks & thrift store find

Even though the sun is low in the sky, we love bringing in as much color and light as we can this time of year.  The rainbow blocks we bought this spring are still used almost everyday!  Here they are bringing in a bit more color to the play area.....

And here is a neat barn shelf we found at a thrift store - it's been fun for animals, dinosaurs, and even cars ;0)  oh, and that cool truck was found on vacation at a Goodwill in Florida for $3.99!  Wheee!

So what are some of your good finds?  Let me know what great things you have found lately!

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Thank you for sharing your thoughts and comments!

June 2020

Aaaaand we're back! I'm learning to use a Mac so everything is are scrambled everywhere but here are a couple...