Friday, November 15, 2013

More Suzuki violin...this time with Jam! And a brief book review...

He is such an enthusiastic violinist!  I hadn't intended to start him yet but he is so eager & it helps Josie to learn by teaching him :0)

We ordered 1/4 size violin this week, and we're REALLY looking forward to it's arrival next week!!

This was my homework last week - I read it in one week & it was very good.  It is more of a diary of thoughts so the timeline of Mr. Suzuki's life is a bit hard to follow - but how he came to his method and his fascinating life make it a very worthwhile read.  He lived in Japan during WW2, and was also trained in violin later in life (20's) - hanging out with brainiacs in Berlin like Einstein.  Cool!  Knowing his heart & the nature of his philosophy will also help me to be a better Suzuki parent :0) 

Tweeters in her group class, wearing my old angel dress :0)  There are some tiny ones in there!

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