Wednesday, July 3, 2013

More felting...why gnomes??

This is so addictive.  I love it, and it is even relaxing....but I think I need to expand my color palette beyond what came with my first kit.  Brown, orange & white aren't exactly summer colors!  I did see a tutorial on how to dye natural wool with kool aid, so that is next I think.  A friend gave HB a drop spindle & some wool so I have a bit of roving to experiment on.  Thank you to the great fiber artists who post their tutorials online - what would I do without you (link below)?!  But - why gnomes??  I guess they're easy to start with, especially if they don't have faces, arms or legs like my first little guy.
Here he is, almost done!  He's made with those 3 little balls we wet felted a week or so ago - just wrapped white wool around the top one for the head.  I didn't have to wet felt them, but it was an easy first project.

I did add eyes & a beard - he has to lean which is fine, and he even matches his woodland friends

Last night's gnome - so fun!  I mixed the wool so it would look all swirly for the hat, used a wool-wrapped pipe cleaner for the arms...and I may make it into a girl w/ braids.  For today Tweeters loves her without a face!  Weird!  The tutorial I used was from

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