Fast forward a bit - we moved to the boonies when they were 10 & 12 - perfect! We all love it & they were able to soak up even more time outside. A couple more years & BAM! Here comes baby #3 (musta been all that fresh air)! Stopped us dead in our classical education tracks. Older ones were 12 & 14 and we had our first experiment in unschooling. Our 14 yodd has always been into all kinds of art, so she focused on that along w/ designing clothing & learning to sew (she is now an accomplished seamstress - see I still did a lot of read alouds, 12 yods had more structured lessons than his sister, but it was like having our first baby all over again so I didn't think I could keep up w/ the rigors of classical through high school. We did Veritas Press's Omnibus their 5th & 7th grade years - wow - then Tapestry of Grace the next year - then chilled a great deal. Dd read Jane Austen novels & did some Ace Paces & lots of other stuff I can't remember; Ds continued w/ Apologia Science, Math U See, Lang. Lessons for High School Students & other stuff I can't remember while I nursed the baby & then had another one when the big ones were 14 & 16! Yes, I keep great records & we covered all the bases, but you can maybe see why I was a bit preoccupied during the high school years. And, oh, I can't help but brag a children ARE AMAZING! Dd took 2 college art classes last semester (one art history for college jrs & srs w/ LOTS of writing) & she aced both w/ extra credit & has THREE pieces in the honors art show (one w/ the Presidents Award and a Merit Award). Ds has had the lead in 2 drama productions through high school with our homeschool co-op & is apprenticing with an awesome chef so he can learn to cook lots of yummy REAL food :0) He is an amazing, complex young man who has become a picture of Christ - so giving to others, genuine, contemplative, loving. Not once did I consider sending them away for high school. No way would I have missed out on getting to know these awesome people! Oh, did I mention our oldest dd was a huge fan of fairies til she was in her mid-teens??

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